The XPager Suite
Automatic web-enablement & mobilization of of Notes client applications
The Effichange XPager Suite™ is a powerful and configurable migration platform to web enable or mobilize HCL Notes applications. XPager empowers developers to convert existing HCL Notes applications automatically, reducing the effort by up to 90%. The XPager Suite enables even novice developers to successfully complete and scale projects with minimal risks, time, cost and resources. By default, XPager supports the automatic conversion of Notes client applications to XPages using Domino as the back-end or away from Domino to ReactJS using the Darwino platform as a back-end.
Key Benefits
Provides automatic, easy, effective, and efficient web enablement and mobilization
Reduces the time, resource and cost by up to 95%
Enables enterprise wide development and conversion efforts
Creates new applications in minutes
Enables novice developers
Significantly reduces the maintenance and training needs
Applies corporate standards, industry standards and best practices
Learns and automatically applies lessons learned
Produces Mobile friendly applications
Key Features
Provide out-of-the-box configurations to convert Notes application to XPages or away from Domino to ReactJS
Uses "scaffolding" methods to keep applications evolving with tomorrow's trends
Generates theme based applications using Bootstrap as the default theme
Automatically converts Notes design elements to XPages or ReactJS and Notes Formulas to JavaScript
Allows the creation of a single design element or an entire set of applications at once
Creates native applications with no dependencies on proprietary software
Automatically highlights problem allowing rapid development and problem resolution
Highly configurable allowing the application of corporate standards and best practices
Provides a set of tools for easy navigation between Notes and converted elements
Produces applications with responsive themes that can be used on any mobile device
The XPager Suite set of powerful Domino Designer based tools enable easy conversion of XPages components automatically, provide powerful troubleshooting capabilities and are highly configurable allowing the application of corporate and industry standards, best practices and lessons learned.
XPager Converter - Automates the conversion of Forms, Pages, Views, Folders, Shared Elements and Formula language
XPager Configuration Project - Enables developers to customize the XPager output.
XPager Analyzer - Enables developers to identify issues or patterns using the Domino Designer markers.
XPager Summary – Enables developers to view the inventory of converted elements.
XPager DXL Link - Enables developers to easily associate new and old design elements.
XPager DXL Schema Browser - Enables developers to view the DXL schema of Domino design elements.
XPager Java Console – Integrates the XPager Suite output to the Domino Designer console.
XPager XPath Search and Replace – Enables developers to search the application DXL using XPath definitions.